This summer, don’t let spiders ruin the fun. A spider infestation is scary enough on its own, but it’s often a sign of a larger pest problem. In case you don’t feel confident identifying and preventing spiders, we’ve put together a quick guide to help you get ahead of these arachnids. Let’s dive in.
The Spiders of Roanoke
There are several species of spiders in the Roanoke area. Although all spiders have fangs and venom, most are relatively harmless to humans.
The two spiders that are considered dangerous are the black widow spider and brown recluse spider. You can identify black widows by the red or orange hourglass shape on their abdomen. Brown recluse spiders can be identified by a darker violin shape on their backs. If you suspect you’ve been bitten by one of these two spiders, seek medical care and monitor your symptoms.
Along with these dangerous spiders, several other species might be found in your home. One of the most common is the house spider which is known for building several webs around the house. Jumping spiders don’t build webs but can still be a nuisance when they’re jumping around your home.
In addition, several species normally stay outside but could follow prey into your home. In Roanoke, you might find orb weavers, garden spiders, and fisher spiders, among others.
Food: The Primary Attractor
Here’s what you need to know about spiders in your home. If you have a spider infestation, it’s because they are finding prey in your home. Spiders come into homes looking for food, and they stick around if they find it.
The good news is that this fact makes spider prevention straightforward: just keep away other pests and the spiders will also stay away. You might be asking how you can accomplish this. Don’t worry, we’ve gathered a list of tips and tricks for pest and spider prevention.
Prevention Methods
Here are some steps you can take to keep your home safe from spiders and free of their food:
- Sweep away webs. Many spiders will be discouraged if they have to continually build new webs.
- Address moisture issues. Spiders and other pests love moisture and will stay if your home has high humidity levels.
- Clear clutter. By cleaning and organizing storage areas, you’re providing fewer hiding places for pests.
- Store food in hard plastic or glass containers. This way, pests can get into it and will leave hungry.
- Clean and cover trash cans. Many pests are attracted to decay, so it’s important to use a trash can with an airtight lid and clean the surrounding area often.
Control Entry Points
In addition to limiting attracting factors, you can work on pest prevention by removing pest entry points. Here’s what to look for:
- Check screens for holes and tears.
- Install door sweeps and replace any that are broken.
- Check for cracks around the structure of your home, and repair with caulking or steel wool.
- Install vent covers.
Star City Pest Control
In addition to following the steps above, we recommend contacting Star City Pest Control for any help with your spider prevention. We will work with you to inspect your Roanoke home for any signs of attracting factors or entry points.
If there is an underlying problem bringing spiders into your home, we’ll help you address that issue, eliminate spiders, and work toward a long-term pest solution that keeps your home pest and spider free. Need help with pest control in Roanoke, or just want more information and advice? Give us a call today.
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*wildlife inspections start at $99.